Lawsuit Seeks To Halt Oil Trains to Bakersfield

Attorneys for several environmental groups have sued to block delivery of crude oil to a Bakersfield terminal in 100-car “unit trains,” claiming the deliveries would harm air quality and pose a danger to the public.

The lawsuit was filed against the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District, the Bakersfield Crude Terminal and Plains All American Pipeline LP by the Sierra Club, Communities for a Better Environment, the Center for Biological Diversity and other groups.

The Bakersfield Crude Terminal is designed to receive two 100-railcar trains daily carrying crude oil, primarily from North Dakota, for a total of 61 million barrels per year.

The groups ask the court to order the pollution control district to withdraw its approval of the terminal and to prohibit the terminal from operating until an environmental review is conducted under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).

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